Sunday, March 05, 2006


A. Short answers (two points each). Define each term as thoroughly as you
can, and if applicable, the work(s) with which it is associated.

1. haniwa

2. Byôdô-in

3. Hiragana, kanji

4. bodhisattva/bosatsu

5. ut pictura poesis (as is painting, so is poetry)

6. Nara

7. Fujiwara

8. Minamoto Yoritomo

9. Genji monogatari (Tale of Genji)

10. Azuchi-Momoyama

B. Essay Questions (Two questions, forty points each)

All answers should have:

1. A clear thesis statement. What is the essence of your answer? Where
are you going with your essay?

2. A strong argument that is clearly structured and matches the thesis

3. Answers should be at least three paragraphs long. Five paragraphs
would be even better, depending on how you write.

4. You should show evidence of careful thought, familiarity with all
the texts and images (don't keep going back to the same one), and clear
organization of your ideas.


1. We discussed several different views on the meaning of "visual" and "visual culture," some of which included "nature" as an important element. It is often argued that Japanese culture has a particular affinity for nature, that a special awareness of the beauty of things in their natural form is basic to Japanese art, or as our textbook argues, "Here generosity of spirit, love of simplicity, and perception of beauty in all natural things is made manifest." (p. 11.) Do you agree? Choose two or three of the works of Japanese art we have looked at as examples, and show how they can help us better understand the relationship of nature and visual culture in Japan. (Think about: How has this relationship manifested itself differently in different historical periods?)

2. As in most world areas, religion has had a strong impact on the development of Japanese visual culture. Choose two or three of the works of Japanese art as examples, and show how they can help us better understand the relationship of religion and visual culture in Japan. (Things to think about: How does this relationship manifested itself differently in different historical periods? What effect have political and social changes had on this relationship?)


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